Counsel of People

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 12:15 KJV

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

Today’s lesson continues on the subject of “Counsel”. We started teaching on the subject of the “Counselors of God’s Word” which includes the instructions of the Holy Bible, specifically reading, thinking and doing God’s Word. In another lesson we spoke about the “Counsel of Purpose” where we mentioned that all our purposes should also be derived from the Holy Word of God because deviating from God’s Word (His Will) always causes problems down the road. We have previously spoken about avoiding the “Counsel of Evil” where the inspiration is rooted in evil spirits. We reminded the reader that we are all in a war against darkness so avoid all contact with wicked spirits by recognizing their source. In another lesson we spoke about the “Counsel of Men”. Highlighting when men speak the idle ungodly thoughts that first come to their mind those idle ungodly thoughts don’t usually line up with God’s Word making it a bad thing. We have discussed the positive benefits of the “Counsel of God” where each Christian uses (speaks, communicates) God’s Word over their own words, ideas and/or opinions. In this lesson we will briefly teach on the dangers of following the “Counsel of People”. To add context to this message when we (ihlcc) are referring to the “Counsel of People” in this write-up we are specifically speaking about the majority of people. Some would call this the voice of the masses, while others would comment that this is what everyone is saying. Whatever term or phase you prefer we must quickly warn you that this “voice of the majority” is typically wrong. Why? One reason is the majority of people in the earth don’t speak God’s language so they will default to speaking against God’s Word simply because they don’t know God or understand Him. Remember, in Matthew 7:13-14 KJV it states, “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” These scriptures remind us that the majority of people in this world are in darkness. Some are in darkness because of ignorance about the Light, our Savoir Jesus Christ, while many others are in darkness by choosing to believe in something else. Whatever the reason we seriously doubt that you could ever find the wisdom of God projected from the general “Counsel of People”. Take for example an election process held in the United States of America the masses would say, “love one candidate and hate the other”. Political people tend to vote their party over the person actually running for office. This voice is foolish and doesn’t accurately represent God because the truth of the matter declares from God’s Word two immutable facts which are: 1 God loves everyone and 2 God uses whosoever He wills. This means all the political candidates are loved by God and they should be loved by all Christians. However, daily we (ihlcc) hear of Christians criticizing the political leader running for office which means they don’t love that person because if they did they would not speak evil of them. Remember 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 KJV which states, “Charity (God’s Love) suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;” These verses tell us that Love is kind which means God speaks kind words about others. Love also doesn’t act unseemly which is inappropriate or improper behavior, so being rude and crude doesn’t fly with God. As Christians this translates into the old phrase, “If you don’t have anything good to speak about another person don’t say anything.” We (ihlcc) do wish that all Believers knew that every step outside of love is a step in the wrong direction because all those operating outside of love are working inside of sin. We also notice that God isn’t easily provoked or made angry so why do we have so many believers venting their anger (displeasure) about the people either running for office and also high authority figures already in office. It is said, “Those who often publically speak against others seldom ever privately pray for those others.” This statement is truth whether Christians like it or not. Sometimes the Saints act just like the sinners by complaining and being frustrated about the current events going on in the world while God calls us unto rejoicing and praising Him for His goodness and mercy unto all. We see that Love thinks no evil and since God doesn’t even think evil there is no way He will speak evil. Thus, should not the children of God act like God by thinking and/or speaking no evil? The correct answer is Yes and Amen unto the glory of God, our Father through our personal faith in Jesus Christ His beloved Son! We (ihlcc) could speak of many examples but we are limited by time and article length so we will quickly mention two more without much detail because in the mouth of two or three witness let every word be established. The “Counsel of People” speaks, “Pursue more money because you need it and that will make you happy.” God’s word states, “Seek you first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness and all these earthly blessing shall be given unto you”. Thus our true happiness is in Christ Jesus not earthly possessions. The “Counsel of People” proudly speaks, “Following your own career path to success is success.” Whereas the Holy Bible teaches, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and He shall direct your path”. Our point is you will never find the “Counsel of People” to be comparable to the true “Counsel of God’. We must make the right decision to reject the typically “Counsel of the masses” to completely (whole heartedly) receive the “Counsel of God”. Yes, the “Counsel of God” is steadfast and immoveable! God is immutable and pure! God is truth and love! His counsel alone produces a sound mind and good judgment everything else is corrupted through sin and deceit. Therefore, dear faith friend, continue to reject (disregard) the popular “Counsel of ungodly People” because the end of their road is death in Hell but we have the Light of God shining upon our path unto Eternal Life in God’s Heaven with Jesus Christ and our Loving Heavenly Father. Amen!